Ok, so I may not be Picasso or Monet (not even close), but I love to paint. Of course I haven't done it in a few years but I think I'm ready to tackle my next masterpiece! I finally have enough room to spread out a large canvas, pile up some paints and brushes, really mess up the place without having to clean it all up when I'm done with a painting session! I'm ready!
Where to start... A few years ago I saw a segment on some show (that is no more) about painting floor cloths. Ok first a little about floor cloths before I continue. As early as the 1600's early Americans were using painted heavy-coated sailcloth or canvas to decorate their floors, a sort of painted carpet. They used geometric patterns or free-form designs and some were stenciled like this one:
Ok enough about the history, back to my plan! So instead of going through the process of binding and priming a piece of canvas for a floor cloth which is a project in itself, this segment I watched showed how to use a remnant piece of vinyl... you know the ugly stuff you see in some kitchens and bathrooms. I had my first attempt at a painted vinyl floor cloth a few years back and it's been with us through quite a few moves and it still looks good! They're durable, they protect your floors and, (if you aren't Picasso and would be ashamed to hang a piece of your art on the wall), they can be as simple or elaborate as you want. A nice piece of your own handy-work under your feet! Art you can walk on if you will! Here's a picture of the one I painted, I use it in my kitchen.

So I went out to look for a remnant of vinyl and I found a large roll of a nice plain vinyl, not much pattern which is what you want, for $50 regularly $115! It was a great value, I can make beaucoup floor cloths from this!

Now I needed to find out how big I wanted my floor cloth to be so I could cut it to size. I really needed something on the wood floor in front of the door. I wanted a small carpet but the door wouldn't allow even the shortest pile carpet to pass over it, but the vinyl turned out to be perfect!
I measured the space and decided on a piece about 25" by 50" would be the perfect size. Here's the vinyl cut to size. And what it looks like on the front, I paint the picture on the back.
Well, that's where I'm at right now. I've still got more supplies to buy and, (hardest part for me) I've still got to figure out the design. I'll be showing you the process from beginning to end in later posts. Just be patient with me, I'll get through the steps when I can.
Hmmmm... I want to do something with an interesting pattern like this pretty rug pattern I found from
anthropologie. But I also would like something vibrant and graphic kind of like a painting by Frida Kahlo, whom I just love!
I know... a little ambitious! But that would be a fantastic floor cloth!! Maybe I'll just stick with good ole early American folk art style (couldn't find a good picture). But... I guess you'll just have to wait and see what my masterpiece will become! I hope you'll follow me through the process, it should be fun, (I hope)!