Thursday, July 4, 2013

Singring, Take Me Away!!

I was in the shower this morning thinking random thoughts like I usually do about my life..... the past...... and music I used to love.  One song that popped into my head was from Todd Rundgren's band Utopia, from the album called "Ra" ... man I used to love their songs!

One of the awesome songs from that album is called Singring And The Glass Guitar (An Electrified Fairytale).  This song tells a sweet little fairy tale using instrumental solos by these four very talented guys from the group.

 I remember way back when... lying on my bed, headphones on, volume turned way up (maybe that's why I'm deaf now), and just letting the music take me on a journey to find the four keys, smash the glass guitar and free the spirit of Harmony!

So here's a nice treat for you.  Lay back and listen to a great song, all the way to the end... cause that's my favorite part! 

Smash it, smash it, smash it, smash it, smash IT, SMASH IT!!!!!!!  aaaaaaahhhhhh!

Enjoy...  and oh yeah.....  Happy Fourth everyone!!

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